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플레이스낙양 리뉴얼 안내
플레이스낙양 리뉴얼을 위하여 2024년 04월 26일(금) 이후부터 잠시 쉬어갑니다.
양해 부탁드리며, 이용에 착오 없으시길 바랍니다.
-임시 운영 중지 기간-
2024.04.26(금)부터 ~ 리뉴얼 완료 시까지
더 좋은 모습으로 다시 만나 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Meet your work
Place Nakyang is a space provided free of charge to creators who work with Nakyangyarn products.
The Open Lounge can be used without making a reservation,
and is available on a first-come,
first-served basis.

The Space is suited for private work,
small gatherings (max 5 persons), and 1:1 classes.
It is provided free of charge to anyone working
with Nakyangyarn products.
Cozy Place
Decor objects, lighting, furniture,
all prepared for you.
Create your work in a thoughtfully designed space that will add extraordinary value to your knitting classes.
Place Service
The main purpose of Place Nakyang is to serve
creators’ convenience.

Printer is at your use free of charge
Be fully prepared for knitting classes.

Wireless Internet all around
Stay connected free of charge at all times.

Steam iron to make your pieces
Make them even more remarkable.

Basement of Hoenamu-ro 43, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
- Business Hours -
Tuesday - Saturday (Closed Monday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
PM. 12:00 ~ 20:00
- Public Transportation -
Take bus ‘Yongsan 03’ at Noksapyeong Station,
Line 6 and get off at Digitech High School
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